Sunday, November 16, 2014

Business Jargon

The business world is awash with jargon and cliches - most of them rather silly when you think about it.

'Weird Al' Yankovic did think about it and this is what he came up with. Truly wonderful.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tim Ferriss

A colleague of mine has written an article about Tim Ferriss and it led me to check him out.

 He's the man who brought us the idea of the The 4-hour WORKWEEK - nice idea!

Opinions are mixed, some people think he's a multi-talented genius and others think he's a fraud. Decide for yourself.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

To bid

To bid is to offer a price for something at an auction. Of course, other people may want the same item and outbid you. The might just want to annoy you by bidding up the price.

One of the most fun TV auction programmes is Baggage Battles with some charismatic competitors who are always trying to outdo each other - like this:

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The London Underground

Even 150 years ago, London had trafiic problems. The solution? The world's first underground railway system, now one of the biggest in the world. Find out more about it in this great BBC documentary.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Are you a hipster? To find out - watch this video. It's fast, so if you can'y keep up with the words, just enjoy the pictures and you'll get the idea!